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The teachers at Sparkle Stars are incredibly caring and patient. They make sure that my daughter completes her homework every day and practice her spelling regularly. Both the teachers and her friends are so much fun that my daughter sometimes questions why I pick her up early.
One important thing to note is that the teachers pick up the kids from the school canteen, which makes me feel that my daughter is safe.
" My daughter always comes back smiling as she share her sparkle stars day with me everyday. Grateful to the teachers for teaching them good values and their students are all polite. There is good discipline instilled in students. "
" 老师们都很有耐心,有高学历,都有大学文凭。我的儿子的学业进步了。谢谢老师们。"

- Hui Ying, Mummy of P2 East Spring Primary School Student

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